Our History
We show you the most representative activities that we have carried out since our foundation in 2001 to date.

Contribute to preserving businesses and revitalizing the local economy by activating the social fabric around each business by encouraging (achieving the addition of) transfers or solidarity contributions or other schemes that help that business overcome the crisis, communication campaigns, strengthening of networks, donations or events, with a cause, events in favor of that trade

Buxa celebrates 10 years creating reusable bags by reusing our sacks. A commitment from Super Kompras, Otomíes Independent Youth and Fundación Tláloc.
Launch of the Platform "What is your dream?" in which independent citizen initiatives for sustainable development are accompanied.
Sorted into 12 categories are all the activities that we have carried out as Fundación Tláloc. These categories correspond to our 10 movements of the Sustainable Decalogue plus the categories of Recognitions and Important Dates.
Feel free to consult and learn about all the topics in which the Foundation has been involved.
- State of Mexico Award 2019 Municipal Merit "Alfredo del Mazo Velez".
- Humaniza 2018 Award in the environment category granted by the Human Rights Commission of the State of Mexico.
- State Award for Ecological Conservation.
- First place in the Development Fair 2007 "Youth Against Poverty" convened by the World Bank for the project of the Otomi Community of San Mateo Capulhuac.
- 3rd place in the 2004 State Water Contest, awarded by the Government of the State of Mexico.
- 1st Place in the “For a Clean State” Contest organized by the Government of the State of Mexico, with an environmental education project in primary and secondary schools.
- November 15. Launch of the Social Agenda "Social Shield".
- March 20. Launch of the Platform "What is your dream?"
- June 03. 12 hours for Mobility.
- November 20. Inauguration of the Holistic Training Center.
- September 21st. 1st Magno metropolitan walk to the "Valle en Bici".
- June 07. Complete street intervention.
- November 24. Inauguration of Recreational Route "Tolo en Bici".
- November 13. Inauguration of the Ciclovía in Hidalgo
- November 09. 1st Play Water Mission.
- July 07. Construction of the third workshop.
- March 21st. Elaboration of the stained glass.
- 26 of January. Roof construction.
- September 03. Study of soil mechanics.
- September 03. Elaboration of adobes.
- April 18th. Bici-O Nights Anniversary.
- 26 of February. 1st Sunday Walk Metepec.
- October 02. 1st Sunday Walk in Toluca.
- October the 17th. 1st Mission Garbage Play.
- July 17th. Start of the BUXA S.K. Project (first delivery).
- January 22. Citizen Participation - Governance - PAB Announcement.
- January 19. March to close the movement for the Bicentennial Environmental Park.
- December 05. Beginning of the Movement "Save SEDAGRO".
- November 03. Laying of the first stone and cross of the Holistic Training Center.
- March 20. Anniversary of the Sustainable Decalogue.
- April 19th. Anniversary of Radio Con-Sentido.
- August 04 and 05. 1st Forum of the Nevado de Toluca.
- December 23th. Start of the Project / Walk and conversation / First day / Awareness Stage.
- 23 of February. Tlaloc Anniversary.
- Socialization workshop. Towards a common agenda. (Toluca Comprobides).
- More than 60 nocturnal and thematic Rides (weekly bike rides).
- More than 40 Recreational Routes (Sunday activations).
- Signing of the State Agreement "Metropolitan Coordination Table" Monitoring of the strategy Get on the Train of Ideas.
- Support for new cyclists for 1 month, with the “Siguiente Pedaleo” initiative during the gasoline shortage.
- We launched the agendas in cooperation with GIZ "The Cities We Need" and "Territory Management in the Mexico of the XXI Century".
- Approximately 3,000 people enjoyed the Tolo Recreational Route.
- Approximately 5,000 people including children, youth, adults and seniors have participated in our weekly night rides.
- Presentation of the Strategy "Get on the train of ideas" to the Government, Academy and business chambers.
- Neighborhood workshops begin towards the installation of the Toluca - Mexico Interurban Train.
- Pre-forum: “Mobility challenges in the State of Mexico”.
- Participation in the #YoMeMuevo initiative.
- Participation in the National Alliance for Road Safety.
- Collaborators in the elaboration of the national CPI in 150 UN-Habitat municipalities.
- Launch of the 1st Forum “Towards a Mexico low in Carbon”.
- Launch of the “Vamos por 30” campaign.
- 1st edition of the Cycling Manual in Ñha-Ñhu dialect (Otomi).
- Installation of the Council for Sustainable Mobility of Toluca.
- “For a safe crossing” campaign; Toluca meets "Peatonzote".
- We started with "Get on the Train of Ideas towards the Toluca - Mexico Interurban Train".
- Promotion and collaboration in the 1st Mobility Law of the State of Mexico.
- Beginning of activities of the Public Bicycle System "Huizi in Toluca" promoted by Civil Society.
- Beginning of work tables towards the Public Bicycle System.
- Resources are obtained for the Public Bicycle System of the Fund for Climate Change.
- 2nd Forum for Sustainable Mobility.
- Promotion of "MexiBus" .
- The "Tolo en Bici" Recreational Route begins and recognition of it as part of the Network of Bicycle Paths of the Americas.
- Installation of tables for sustainable mobility.
- Bike-O Nights begin.
- 1st Phase of the cycle path in the municipality of Toluca.
- 1st Sustainable Mobility Forum.
- More than 5,600 signatures collected for the promotion of sustainable mobility in the municipality of Toluca.
- BICITOUR: Bike rides in the municipality of Toluca.
- Presidency of the Consultative Council for the Sustainable Development of the State of Mexico
- Installation of Biodigester in the CHC.
- Start Project 'Reborn'
- Community Energy Diagnosis Program.
- Uninterrupted reforestation from 2001 to date.
- More than 10,000 trees planted in our 3 days of reforestation in favor of Nevado de Toluca.
- Celebration and publication of the memories of the 2nd Nevado de Toluca Forum and Creation of the strategy "The Nevado we want, towards 2030".
- More than 10,000 trees planted in our 3 days of reforestation in favor of Nevado de Toluca.
- Launch of the platform: "Social Shield".
- We became members of the Forest Education and Culture Committee of the State of Mexico.
Participation in the #QueEstamosHaciendo Collective for the July 1st elections.
Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Bicentennial Environmental Park.
- Installation of the rainwater collector at the Otomi Community Holistic Training Center of San Mateo Capulhuac.
- Cleaning and socialization of the Colonia Isidro Fabela on one side of the Lerma River with the government and private companies.
- Buxa's celebration of 10 years creating reusable bags.
- Launch of the “BuxaXLosMares” campaign.
- We started Community Recycling Programs in Toluca -Metepec.
- Accompaniment to the network of "Ecocentros" for the collection of recoverable waste in the municipality of Toluca.
- Participation in the 5th Recycling Event in the Recreational Route "Tolo en Bici".
- Participation in the National Forum for Inclusive Recycling.
- Launch of the play "Mission Garbage".
- th MA YE IPEFI Cultural Meeting.
- 3rd MA YE IPEFI Cultural Meeting.
- 2nd Cultural and Craft Meeting MA YE IPEFI.
- Our Comprehensive Development of the Otomí Community project was selected by FedEx as one of the 25 projects that it supported to celebrate its 25 years in Mexico, through its Deliveries with a Cause program.
- Launch of the Volunteer Platform.
- Relaunch of the Platform 'What is your dream?'
- Casa Tláloc, the headquarters of the Tláloc Foundation, provides free physical space for the activities of other civil society organizations, benefiting TECHO Estado de México, Bùù A.C. and Red Exposocial A.C.
- Alliance for the development of the Signa Sustainability Agenda, having as a frame of reference the Sustainable Decalogue of Fundación Tláloc.
- Production of theatrical educational play “Misión Agua”.
- Production of theatrical educational work "Mission Garbage".
- Institutional Strengthening Advisory by the University of Austin, Texas.
- Transmission of the radio program "Con Sentido".
- Master Conference and Support for Macedonia Blas, candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize.