Because the environmental and climate agenda must be a priority.
Those of us who promote the Decalogue for Sustainability of the State of Mexico (DXS), representatives of civil society, the private sector and academia, seek to strengthen environmental and climate policy in the State of Mexico.
We know that both globally and locally we are not reaching the goals that allow us to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the rate that is required, to prevent the average temperature of the planet from increasing by more than 1.5°C, with all the negative impacts that this implies for people's lives, the regeneration of nature and fair economic prosperity.
The DXS contains a series of public policy proposals that can guide municipalities' action plans against climate change, and in general the efforts of the State of Mexico, to become an international example of a region capable of dealing with climate change. global challenges and transition to glocal sustainability.
Get involved!
Individual – Promote DXS actions from wherever you are using your social networks. Tag @FundaciónTláloc. Remember to use the official hashtags #DXS #NosotrosDecimosYa #PorLaSustentabilidad #HacemosEco #AcciónXODS.
Collaborative – Share invitations to attend forums or events where we can promote the proposals of the DXS in order to encourage the participation of youth and decision makers in environmental management. You can contact us by sending an email to: [email protected]
Social Author – Act being an ambassador generating strategies to promote the DXS and ensure that the proposals contained in each of the 10 points are decisively implemented by the government of the State of Mexico in the period 2023 - 2029.
Join us!
Download Decalogue for sustainability on any of your devices by clicking here or you can read it online below:
Go Further
Attention area:
Climate agenda
Associated SDGs:
Associated Publication: